So, that is a Supervision…
You may have wondered what exactly a Supervision is, who meets and what are they doing? Actually the answer is quite simple:
- all TBBA trainers, from Assistant Trainers to Instructors, meet once a year for two days
- during those two days, they refresh their skills and learn new ones as well
- they exchange on all disciplines: Freestyle, Multiplay, Form. etc.
- most important of all: they have a lot of fun and in the process even extend their license 😉
“OK but what does this really look like”, you might ask? Well, let’s have a look:
Before we turn to each dicipline, first things first – some warm-ups:
But now, let’s see each discipline. We are starting with exercises for Forms:
Wrap some of it into a choreography of your choice and the Freestyle exercise may look something like this:
After all the figures and sequences, it is time for some Multiplay and some competition exercises:
We hope these impressions will also convey some of the magic of the event:
Most impressive, however, is to experience the fun, the good vibes and the energy first hand. Come and join the Workshop during our next Supervision. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Harry Walker
BailongBall Spieler
Shannon Ritz
BailongBall Trainer
Susanne Ritz
BailongBall Trainer
Mike Ritz
BailongBall Trainer
Sehr gut !!!
Super gemacht. Mit Spaß dabei
So eine Supervision ist schon eine tolle Sache! Intensives Training, Spiel und viel Freude. Und das alles in herzlicher Atmosphäre im Kreis der Bailongballfamilie. Super Präsentation!
Wonderful memories and great experience! Thank so much for this post!?
It was fun and great to see you, again ?
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