BailongBall 2018
What a year! Looking back at 2018, we can proudly say that a lot has happened around BailongBall. This little handcrafted word cloud expresses some of what was going on:
Let’s take a look at the time line of events:
- Cooperation with University (Hochschule Darmstadt): the students provided TBBA with an online communication concept, (this) new website, marketing and event tips & insights, a great foto shooting and more – TBBA is forever thankful for their great work and for the guidance of the professors!!!
- Two new disciplines were introduced, easy for everyone to play and with no needs for a court or a net: Cooperate Mini & Compete Mini
- A series of videos was published on our web site, covering basic techniques. With these moves, you can return almost any ball. Here they are: High Forehand, Low Forehand, High Backhand, Low Backhand, Diagonal to the Left, Diagonal to the Right.
- Launch of “Meet BailongBall 2018”, as series to promote our sport. Its focus was on demonstrating the sport in public places and playing with anybody interested. Events included BailongBall Open Air @ Bensheim, Meet BailongBall @ Mannheim, Meet BailongBall @ Middelburg, Meet BailongBall @ Süße Welt Freiburg, Meet BailongBall @ 4th of July in Freiburg, Meet BailongBall @ China Adventure Day in Freiburg
- TBBA held a workshop for Assistant Trainer & Trainer certifications @ Toulouse and is happy to have new Assistant Trainers in France.
- TBBA is also extending its print media presence: In its July publication of “Gymnastik”, the German Gymnastic association features a multi page article on our sport and its positive effects on body and health.
- TBBA had a promotional event, supporting the "Tag des Sports 2018" @ Kiel, featuring some demonstrations and a raffle.
- Joining the 4th International Championships @ Jinzhong. 16 TBBA athletes participated in various disciplines with overwhelming success. Among other accomplishments, TBBA players won first, second and third place in single games. Performances were quite impressive and Russia not only provided the majority of TBBA athletes but also won most of the prices, from all TBBA delegates. We are all proud of our athletes!
- TBBA Assistant/Trainers renewed their licenses in 2 Supervisions, @ Hamburg and @ Bensheim. In Hamburg, TBBA also certified an new Assitant Trainer. For the first time, TBBA combined a Supervision and an open Workshop in the "Trainers meet Players Event".
TBBA would like to extend special thanks to all dedicated Trainers, who made the events, workshops and supervisions possible. There many events and activities beyond the ones mentioned above in various countries, like Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Russia, the Netherlands and the Ukraine among others, which cannot all be included here – thanks to all the initiators, helpers, trainers and players involved. Thanks also to all our athletes, who represented the sport at the Championships. Most of all, thanks to everybody playing and supporting our sport!
Keep the ball swinging and all the best to 2019!
Xiaofei Sui, Susanne & Shannon & Mike Ritz