Summer is nearing its end. Not the typical summer, these days:
– neue Ideen für den Urlaub
– neue Ideen für den Spaß
– neue Ideen mit Bailo
Author Archives: Mike Ritz
Have you ever wondered how exactly BailongBall is practiced? Are you a little curious and want to try it out, but would you like to have an idea of what is being done during training?
In its article “Gentle Sport with Fun Factor” of the July 2020 issue of the magazine “Stadtmagazin Bensheim” you can read what makes our sport so special and what the city of Bensheim has to offer in terms of BailongBall. The following is our translation of the article from the publisher’s home page. See also below for the German print media article. THEMED SPECIAL STADTMAGAZIN BENSHEIM Gentle sport with a fun factor BAILONG BALL ORIGINATED IN CHINA AS A VARIANT OF QIGONG OR TAIJIQUAN. BY NOW, THE SPORT WITH BALL AND RACKET IS FINDING MORE AND MORE FANS IN THIS COUNTRY, TOO. THE RITZ FAMILY FROM BENSHEIM ALSO BELONGS TO THEM. No, oomph is needed, neither are muscle strength or mega power. Instead, gentle swinging, flowing body movements, but also speed, ability to concentrate and react as well as inner balance keep the ball in play. Provided you master the game and dare to create your own figures with full physical exertion, with arms, torso and legs while keeping an eye on the small, sand-filled ball. Twists, pirouettes, small artistic interludes, different variants, low and high forehand and backhand, individual choreographies – everything is possible. And it all looks upmost aesthetic ans athletic at the same time. “Defusing” is the magic word, based on traditional Chinese movement arts. Bailong Ball is the name of the little-known sport in Europe, which originally comes from China and is played with a small, robust racket (catcher) with rubber blade and a 55 gram light ball filled with grains of sand. No use in smashing: solid strokes like in Tennis are impossible due to the construction of the racket and ball. Rather, it is important to pick up the ball with smooth, circular movements without stopping and, in the best case, to control it from the center of the body. What may sound complicated is actually simple and easy to learn. You can call it a variant of Qigong or compare it with a playful variant of Taijiquan: typical of the traditional Chinese self-defense and movement arts.There is even a photo of Chancellor Angela Merkel, which shows her with racket and ball in 2006, together with the Chinese Prime Minister in a park in Beijing. In any case, Susanne, Mike and Shannon Ritz master the art of ball game from the Far East to perfection. In 2009, three years after the previously unknown sport spilled over from Asia to Germany, they became certified BailongBall trainers. And to this day you can see the enthusiasm for the game and not only while they are playing – alone (solo play), in pairs, in a group (multiplay), with each other (cooperative) or against each other (competitive), with or without a net, in the open, out on a meadow, in the park (like the “Fürstenlager” in Bensheim), on a small plateau above the vineyards of Bensheim or in the hall. Bailong Ball can also be played on the street or on the beach. Everything is possible: fixed sequences of defined movements and freestyle to the music. It is not difficult to keep your distance. Another advantage: racket – there are two sizes – and ball fit in any sports or beach bag. And the equipment is inexpensive. “A game for the whole family that never gets boring.” “The fun factor is huge and happiness hormones are guaranteed to be released,” promises Susanne Ritz, who runs the “Taiji am Neuhof” studio and is also a certified Qigong and Taiji teacher. She describes the holistic movement sequences with the Bailong Ball as smooth, round, elegant, harmonious and gentle on the joints. Injuries are almost impossible. “Bailong Ball is a game for the whole family and never gets boring because it’s always good for a surprise. We are currently training two mixed groups, the members of which come to Bensheim from Worms, Darmstadt and Heidelberg. The youngest is just 14 years old, the oldest player over 70 years old. ”In contrast to Germany, Bailong Ball is already widespread in France, Russia, Hungary and Ukraine. The Chinese sports lecturer Professor Bai Rong invented and developed the health-promoting sport. To get even more people excited about playing, Susanne Ritz has already offered courses for school children in an elementary school in Gronau (“Märkerwaldschule”), was on a promotional tour including a vaudeville stage in Zwingenberg (“Mobile Theaterkeller”) and the “Sports Festival of Cultures” in Heidelberg. In Bensheim the players – beginners as well as advanced players – meet on Wednesdays from 9.30 am to 10.30 am and on Fridays from 8 pm to 9 pm. “It is possible to join any time,” explains the trainer. By Gerlinde Scharf
Du erinnerst Dich vielleicht an die fortgeschrittene Technik „hinter dem Rücken mit Drehung“? Sie hilft Dir, Bälle zurückzuspielen, die hoch auf deinen Körper zukommen. „Unter dem Bein“ hilft dir nun bei den Bällen die hoch auf dich zulkommen aber sich hinter deinem Körper erst senken. Wie auch bei „hinter dem Rücken mit Drehung ist diese Technik geeignet, wenn Du Dich nicht rechtzeitig in Position bringen kannst für einen Basisschwung, wie beispielsweise eine hohe Vorhand.
In Lampertheim startet ein Anfänger-Kurs am 10. Juli Open Air auf der Freibadwiese. Fünf Wochen lang kann man an jedem Freitag von 16.15 – 17.45 Uhr herausfinden, ob der Ball tatsächlich anklebt ist, und falls nicht, wie man dieses
Zauberkunststück selber hinbekommt. Viel Spaß ist garantiert.
In dieser neuen Blog-Serie führen wir Dich in die BaillongBall Formen ein. Nachdem wir bereits Serien zu den Disziplinen Multiplay und Freestyle gestartet haben, möchten wir mit der Disziplin Form Dein Bild zu diesem Sport vervollständigen. Diese Serie unterteilt dafür eine Form in verschiedene Abschnitte, die jeweils so um die zwei Elemente beinhalten. Am Ende des letzten Teils hast Du dann das komplette Bild zur Form und eignest Dir dabei jede Menge Tipps und Tricks an.
But before we get started, let us shed some light on what a BailongBall Form is all about. Like with the other two disciplines, you can practice alone or with others. Like with Multiplay, a Form features a certain repertoire of moves, actually elements, to perform. While Multiplay moves are finite (after all, there are only so many techniques of playing a ball to your partner), Forms strech possibilities much further into your realm of imagination. Much like Freestyle, you move the ball with your rackets, to the music. Unlike Freestyle, however, your moves are precisely predefined and often meticulously “timed”. It is a bit like ice skating – you can play ice hockey (Multiplay) or perform figure skating with free elements (Freestyle) and compulsory elements (Form).
Of course, there are many other BailongBall Forms you can practice. Every Form has its unique highlights, different focus and even particular style. This one is just an example and it cannot be respresentative for all the others. However, it features many elements, that you will also find in other Forms. But without further ado, let us get started. The first elements you will learn, are the preparatory element and a version of the “mirror”.
Mit dem einleitenden Element machst Du Dich bereit und betrittst sozusagen die Bühne des Geschehens. Aber denke daran – Du folgst dabei einem genauen Plan. Mit verschiedenen Kameraperspektiven werden wir Dir diesen Plan näherbringen – von vorne, hinten und mit einem genauen Blick auf Fuß- und Beinbewegung.
Als Online Kurs feiert BailongBall sein Debut bei der Mannheimer Abendakademie. In drei Zoom-Sessions wird Shannon Ritz vorbereitende Übungen zeigen, die auch ohne Racket möglich sind. Als Teinehmer benötigst Du lediglich einen tennisballgroßen Ball.
Es hat sich einiges verändert in diesen Tagen. „Bleib‘ zu Hause“ hat wohl die meißten von uns betroffen und wird es wohl auch noch eine Zeit lang tun. Also haben wir uns gefragt, wie wir am besten gesund und geschützt und dennoch mit Anderen in Kontakt bleiben, ja sogar zusammen üben können. Gar nicht so einfach, vor allem wenn man nicht am gewohnten Trainingsort zusammen kommen kann. Und so haben wir uns der Technologie zugewandt, genauer gesagt dem Web und den sozialen Medien. Uns war nicht ganz klar ob das wirklich klappen kann. Schließlich können unsere vier Wände nicht so einfach beispielsweise eine Sporthalle ersetzen. Probieren geht über Studieren – unsere erste BailongBall Web-Session mit Zoom. Und was sollen wir sagen – es war einfach klasse!
In our first blog in this series,, we showed you how to start with a twirl racket facing down and then how to add a 360° body rotation to the twirl. In the second blog, we added some more movements to the twirl, to help integrate them in a choreography. In this blog, we introduce you to the horizontal racket twirl in two variations, embedded in some connected elements.
You may have wondered what exactly a Supervision is, who meets and what are they doing? Actually the answer is quite simple:
all TBBA trainers, from Assistant Trainers to Instructors, meet once a year for two days
during those two days, they refresh their skills and learn new ones as well
they exchange on all disciplines: Freestyle, Multiplay, Form. etc.
most important of all: they have a lot of fun and in the process even extend their license 😉