Allways in Flow – Learn the “Latina Form”

As announced, Taiji BailongBall Federation (TBBF), the organizational successor of TBBA (more on this in a coming post), is offering a series of online sessions. You have the chance to learn three different BailongBall forms from their creators – and it is totally for free!

The TBBA online events so far have been a mix of demonstrations, information exchange and trainings. This tradition is now been taking to the next level. And here it starts – the first online meeting introducing the “Latina Form”, by Olga Ardasheva.

All online sessions will be recorded and at the end of the post you will find links to sessions that have already taken place. But now to the first session:

So, without further ado, check out the introduction to the form we started on Thursday. As you’ll be able to tell, this comes straight from the online session. So please excuse the sound problems we encountered.


That is some serious rhythm, for sure 🙂

Let us break it down – one element at a time:


Those were the moves, we initially practiced. If you are like me, you would probably appreciate some tips and tricks from Olga. Like how to warm up, what to pay attention to, when performing the elements and so on and so forth.

Well then, there you are – take a look at the entire online session:

YouTube player


Ready for more? The trainings take place on Thursdays at 7:30 PM CET. The next session of this block will be on November 25th, 2021. Remember: the sessions take place every other week. Just like this block on the “Latina Form”, the coming two blocks by Irina and Susanne will also contain six sessions, each.

You do not have the link to the sessions, yet? Then get in touch with us via our contact form. In addition to your name and email, please enter “TBBF Always in Flow” in the subject box and simply put “Please send me the link to the Zoom Session” in the your message box.

You want to see the recordings of all sessions? Then check back here regularly and follow the date link of each session – we will publish the recordings shortly after each session:

  1. Warm-up and the first six movements (see also above link / above video), 11.11.2021
  2. Warm-up and details on the introductory movements, as well as follow-up movements, 25.11.2021
  3. Warm-up and details on all movements so far, 9.12.2021
  4. All moves practiced so far (relaxed music for easier practicing), 23 Dec. 2021
  5. Will be published after the session of 13 Jan. 2022
  6. To be published after the session of 27 Jan. 2022

We are looking forward to seeing you and practicing together with you.

Olga Ardasheva
BailongBall Instructor

Mike Ritz
BailongBall Trainer

4 thoughts on “Allways in Flow – Lerne die „Latina Form“

  1. Pingback: TBBF Always in Flow - online / kostenlose Live Trainings: "Latina Form" Session 2 folgt - Bailong Ball

  2. Pingback: TBBF Always in Flow - online / kostenlose Live Trainings: "Latina Form" Session 4 folgt - Bailong Ball

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