A rigid posture, small angles when moving, malposition, muscles too tense, pain. Often times exercise is irregular and more likely than not overtaxes the body.

But if you have Bailongball equipment handy, you are in good shape. Your Smartphone and headset provide the right music and you do not need a lot of space for Soloplay, either.

Here, in Lower Austria, I usually teach hotel guests Bailongball; a hotel exclusive for women. First the participants are surprised and then they are excited. This type of exercise, fitness, relaxation and balance is soooo … different compared to everything else experienced so far.

We recommend Bailongball when tense, inflexible and stressed. Baillongball is part of the activity schedule, at least 3 times a week.

Most satisfying about the training are the happy faces of the participants, when they leave. Perhaps a bit sweaty, maybe rolling their shoulders a little (” … when was the last time we have moved our arms like that?”) but with bright eyes, all the same.

Peter Oettler
Bailongball Trainer

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