TBBF-Event: Supervision 2024

Join our annual event

Like every year, BailongBall enthusiasts from Europe come together. What began as a supervision session for coaches many years ago has now become a weekend for all players and fans of the sport.
Are you wondering what supervision actually is? Here you get an impression.
In addition to training, you have the opportunity to get to know other players and network, hear the latest news and of course have lots of fun. Like in the years before, there will be something for everyone this year as well: We have planned parallel blocks for Art and Game, which you can choose to your heart’s content. We will also be “playing a round of basketball”.
Here is the program:
This year there will be a one-hour joint introductory part with ART (led by Irina: doing basic form, standard form and freestly elements together without turning the racket) and a one-hour joint final part with GAME BASKET (led by Mike). In between, the hall will be divided into two areas ART | GAME. Mike takes over the Game area, Irina takes over the Art area. In each of these two areas there will be 4 blocks with four main topics
  1. Form sequence from the 2023 form starting at the end of last year.
  2. Connecting elements / figures from different standard choreos.
  3. Freestyle elements / figures for free choice of music by the participants.
  4. Interacting with participants and helping to improve your freestyle.

  1. Techniques – what to choose from
  2. Game situation – net play, back court and in between
  3. Game situations – which move to make
  4. Put it into practice – play, try out, improve


  • 1 June 2024, 10:00-13:00 & 14:00-18:00 CET
  • 2 June 2024, 09:00-13:00 CET


School sports hall of the AKG, Franz-Liszt-Straße 8, 64625 Bensheim, Germany


Write to us if you would like to register & come.

Do not miss out on it – come and be part of it😊

Mike Ritz
BailongBall Instructor

2 thoughts on “TBBF Supervision 2024

  1. Françoise Chapelle sagt:

    Y aura t’il des supervisions en 2025 et est- il possible de s’y inscrire ? si oui, quelles seront les dates?
    Merci beaucoup.

    • Mike Ritz sagt:

      Salut Françoise, Oui, la supervision est prévue du 28 mai au 1er juin à Leipzig, en Allemagne. Les détails de l’inscription suivront sur ce site Web – mais cela peut prendre un certain temps.

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